Focal Retina

Focal Retina
Laser surgery in ophthalmology can successfully treat many types of eye disease.

What is laser?
The word laser stands for “Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.” A laser is conventrated beam of light, created when an elecric current passes through a special material.
The name and the color of the laser depend on the type of special material that is used.

How does a Laser work?
There are two different ways that lasers are used to treat eye conditions.
Thermal Lasers: the light is converted to heat when it reaches the eye.

The heat is used to:
•Seal blood vessels (veins and arteries) that are bleeding or leaking fluid;
•Destroy abnormal tissue, such as a tumor;
Photodisruptive Lasers: The light cuts or sculpts tisue, similar to a knife.

The beam of light is used to:
•Cut thin membranes inside the eye taht are blocking vision;
•Change the shape of the surface of the eye.

What are the advantages of using ophthalmic lasers?
Laser surgery of the eye has several advantages:

•There is no risk of infection from the laser light, as might happen with operative surgery;
•Laser surgery can be performed in an outpatient setting, without having to stay in the hospital overnight;
•The surgeon has great precision and control. Which diseases can be treaetd with the laser?

1.Diseases of the retina Retinal tears or holes: The retina is the inner layer of the eye that senses light and helps you to see. If the retina tears, it can separate from the back wall of the eye. This is called a detached retina, and it can cause you to lose sight.
3.After cataract surgery
4.Refractive surgery

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